Scuba Diving in
The Republic of Macedonia is a landlocked country located in the central Balkan peninsula in South East Europe. The country has borders with Serbia to the north, Bulgaria to the east, Greece to the south, Albania to the west and with Kosovo to the northwest. The country has no access to the Mediterranean Sea or Black Sea. From a divers point of view, three large lakes on the southern border are from interest - Lake Ohrid, Lake Prespa and Dojran Lake.
Dive into Macedonia's Lake Ohrid for a close-up look at natural and archaeological treasure
Best scuba diving in Macedonia can be found in Ohrid. The region was declared as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1979. Lake Ohrid, said to be Europe's oldest lake, straddles the border between Albania and Macedonia. About 1/3 of the lake belongs to Albania. The lake has a dramatic drop-off at its tectonic shelf and is the deepest lake of the Balkans, with a maximum depth of 288 m (940 ft) and a mean depth of 155 m.
You should dive in the Bay of Bones. There is a Neolithic stilt village which can be accessed with special permission. The ground contains artifacts of the historic settlements of the bronze-age such as bones, fragments of amphoras and tools. In 1995, the prehistoric village was discovered by a local diver. Scientists assume that the village was built in the 12th century BC and consisted of up to 100 houses.
Lake Ohrid has some nice marine life, such as the endemic Ohrid round sponge (Ochridaspongia rotunda) at around 35 meters.
Diving trips are offered by Kaneo Divers and the Amfora Diving Center (Lazo Trposki No.35 a 6000 Ohrid).
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