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About Silverships and Pirate Treasures
Piraaaateeeeees!!! This Scream was dreaded than hurricanes or scurvy. Caribe became a major center of piracy in the 17th century - the so-called ‘Golden Age of Piracy’. In this period, some of the greatest buccaneers such as Henry Morgan, Kidd Blackbeard, L'Ollonais, Anny Bonny and Mary Reade launched their attacks against colonial naval vessels in Caribbean waters and became a part of history. Scarred Daredevils with a parrot on shoulder, eye-patch and curved cutlass in the belt. Many stories persist today about sunken Galeons and legendary pirate treasures buried in Caribbean islands.[more]

The Waternymph of Ahrenshoop In the articles "The Ship Graveyard of Ahrenshoop" and "Castaway - Shipwrecks between Dierhagen and Zingst" I have written about a mysterious ship wreck, which is lying in Ahrenshoop on the Baltic coast in north-eastern Germany. The wreck of the 19th-century merchantman lies at a depth of only 3 metres. The unknown wreck was identified yet. The ship is the British Brigg "Water Nymph" that sunk in 29. August 1875. After the accident fell into obscurity, the sailing-ship was discovered by "Rostocker Gesellschaft für Unterwasserarchäologie" in 1995. But the ship has been wrongly identified as the Schmaak "Die guten Freude", a typical merchmant sailing-ship of the mid-19th century which lost in 1844 on this piece of the coastline. [more]
"Water Lily" Wreck
Two of the most popular shipwrecks in Trou aux Biches, Mauritius are the "Stella Maru" and "Water Lily". [more]
"King Cruiser" Wreck
The 280 ft long King Cruiser wreck is the premier wreck diving destination in Phuket/Thailand. [more]
The Antilla - a 122 m (400 ft) german World War II shipwreck - is the largest wreck in Caribbean waters. [more]
Russian gunboat off the coast of Cuba [more]
St. George Wreck
Wreck with morbid atmosphere of a real Ghostship [more]

Warbird of the Med A Italian World War II torpedo bomber aircraft lies in Turkish waters between Kas and Kastellorizo near Meis Island. The plane is a Savoia-Marchetti SM 79 "Sparviero" - one of the most successfull hunter torpedo bomber of second world war. The wreck lies at a depth of 57 to 71 metres. [more]
Stolteraa Wreck

Off the coast of Stolteraa near Warnemunde lies at 6 m the wreck of a royal WWII bomber [more]
Wolves at the sea bottom

Diving to the German WWII Submarine wreck U-260 in the Cold Irish Sea. [more]
Torpedoversuchsanstalt Tollensesee

An artifical island has been built to test new torpedo technology in WWII [more]

U-995 und das Marine Denkmal in Laboe Direkt am Strand vor dem Laboer Turm wurde 1972 das U-Boot U-995 als technisches Museum und Denkmal aufgestellt. U-995 war bis zum Kriegsende zur Bekämpfung von allierter Konvois sowie als Sicherungsstreitkraft der Schutz der eigenen Flotte im Einsatz. [mehr]
Grauer Wolf am Meeresgrund

In der kalten irischen See betauchten wir das auf 44 m Tiefe befindliche Wrack des deutschen U-Bootes U-260. [mehr]
Torpedoversuchsanstalt Tollensesee

Für Torpedortests wurde eine künstliche Insel erricht [mehr]
Zur Geschichte der TVA

Im Jahre 1939 entschloss sich das Oberkommando der deutschen Marine ihrer Marineversuchsanstalt Eckernförde eine neue Außenstelle hinzuzufügen. [mehr]

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